Friday, December 28, 2007

The Power of the Gospel

Romans 1:16  "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the jew first and also to the greek."

Paul is eager to preach the gospel because he knows what it is capable of.  He has personally witnessed the conversion of hundreds of sinners.  He is fully aware that it is the power of God.  Without doubt, Paul understands that the Spirit works and changes lives regardless of circumstances.

Lately in my life I have lacked faith in the power of God to save the lost.  I have forgotten that God works miracles and there is no person who is outside the realm of salvation.  God's plan for the redemption of his people has been declared open to "all who will believe".  He has not shut the door.  The Lord has even specifically designed the Gospel to open the eyes of unbelievers and bring them out of the darkness. 

The purpose of the gospel is this:  to "bring salvation to everyone who believes."  Historically, this great mercy was first provided  to the jews.  However, God now calls all people to his name.  How dare I doubt the creator?  How dare I lack faith in an all-powerful God.  There is no excuse but to pray to God to grant me His faith and make me fully aware of His power to save.  This morning God showed me how he saved one of THE greatest persecutors of the church of all time.  God intervened in Paul's life and changed him from a pharisee to the most well-known apostle of all time.  God even used Paul to write His Word!  No doubt, God has the infinite capability to not only save those who we think are beyond saving, he can raise them to be great leaders in the church.  Let us never doubt the power of the Spirit to change.

Father, I pray you will make my heart as Paul's.  Let me not be ashamed of your gospel.  Let me delight in the riches of salvation and have faith in your power to save the lost.  I pray that I never doubt the depths of your mercy nor the strings of love that you attach to the elect as you call them into grace.  Soli Deo Gloria



Lana said...

Yea Kyle put a picture up! =) When I consider how God saved me, I know that He can save anyone. But like you I can sometimes struggle with grabbing hold of that faith that God commands. It's something we must pursue everyday. Thanks for humbly sharing.

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Anonymous said...

That can often be a struggle for me also. I wonder what it means to God when the very people he has saved doubt his ability to save others. Thanks for the encouragement.