Monday, June 9, 2008

Do as you Promised

This is one of the gems given at Na08, this quote that C.J. used in his message on God's Word and Our Feelings is filled with truth about the loving nature of Christ. So I would encourage you to read it and embrace the wonderful truth it proclaims....

“God’s promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper. He intended that theyshould be used. Nothing pleases our Lord better than to see His promises put in circulation.He loves to see His children bring them up to Him, and say, ‘Lord, do as you promised.’ Weglorify God when we please His promises. Do you think that God will be any the poorer forgiving you the riches He has promised? Do you dream that He will be any less holy forgiving holiness to you? Do you imagine He will be any less pure for washing you from yoursins? He has said, ‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins arered as crimson they shall be like wool.’ Faith embraces the promise of pardon. It doesn’tdelay, saying, ‘This is a precious promise, I wonder if it is true?’ but goes straight to thethrone with it, and pleads, ‘Lord, here is the promise. Do as you promised.’ Our Lord replies,‘Be it to you even as you will.’ When a Christian grasps a promise but doesn’t take it to God,then God is dishonored; but when one hastens to the throne of grace, and cries, ‘Lord, I havenothing to recommend me but this, You have said it;’ then the desire shall be granted. Ourheavenly banker delights to cash His own notes. Never let the promise rust. Draw the word ofpromise out of its scabbard, and use it with holy violence. Don’t think that God will betroubled by your importunately reminding Him of His promises. He loves to hear the loudoutcries of needy souls. It is His delight to give favors. He is more ready to hear than you areto ask. It is God’s nature to keep His promises. Therefore, go at once to the throne with, ‘Do as You promised..’” Charles Spurgeon

- ryan


Anonymous said...

I think that this can be hard for us sometimes because we feel like we are demanding God to do something. But if we go to God with humble dispositions asking Him to fulfill His word, we will NEVER be disappointed! Great post Ryan.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Pleading God's promises to him is often more humbling than you would think. There is no room for yours when you are pleading his.