Friday, April 11, 2008

Ephesians 4:29: "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil
made inferior by errors or alterations, as a text.
infected; tainted.
decayed; putrid.

to destroy the integrity of; cause to be dishonest, disloyal
to lower morally; pervert
to alter (a language, text, etc.) for the worse; debase.
to mar; spoil
to infect; taint
to make putrid or putrescent

I think after reading the above description of what the word corrupt means, no one would want to be responsible for letting “corrupt” speech come out of them, but sadly we are all guilty of it. I have recently been thinking about “speech” and have been reminded of the importance of words. I know that I can far too often be unconcerned with the words that are coming out of my mouth and guilty of letting corrupt words come out of me. We supposedly use an average of 25,000 words a day. How many of those am I using to glorify God and edify others?

Paul Tripp wrote in his book War of Words: "When we speak, it must be with the realization that God has given our words significance. He has ordained for them to be important...God has given words value. So we must do all we can to assign words the importance Scripture gives them."

Corrupt talk includes all words or communication that deters growth in godliness and hinders the cultivation of godly relationships. It defiles others. It has a decaying, rotting effect on a person's soul.-CJ Mahaney

This verse in Ephesians doesn’t just stop with the instruction to not let corrupt talk come out of our mouths, we are to replace that with something…speech that is good for building up.

1 Timothy 4:12 - Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

What amazing power and potential there is in our speech! When we are purposeful and intentional to use edifying and appropriate words, this is the result: God promises that our words will impart grace to those who hear. Every conversation we have with another person carries this marvelous potential of passing on the grace of God. And we are a people in need of God's grace, are we not? – Janelle Bradshaw
I am praying for God’s help in letting my words, whether many or few, be glorifying to the One who has enabled me to speak and to be a means of grace to all who know me and even those who don’t. When others love and encourage me, may I do the same to them. When others hurt and sin against me, may I seek to build them up and encourage them. When others are lost and need a kind word, may I speak the gospel truth, which is the kindest thing I could ever do for them. May I strive to use all 25,000 of my words as a beautiful building tool and not an instrument of destruction.


Anonymous said...

Lana - Great post. I have been convicted by the recent posts on the girltalk blog. I have started listening to CJ's message entitled "Encourage," but haven't got all the way through it yet. I was planning on posting my notes from his message on my blog :) It sounds like you have listened as well - have you? I can sometimes really struggle with encouraging others, especially my children. It seems like I have been told over and over this year, by multiple individuals, that Tyler needs lots and lots of encouragement. I know he does, but I find it really a struggle for me. Maybe it's because it wasn't really modeled for me as a child. I am kind of nervous about this upcoming corporate ladies meeting on blessing your children. It seems the Lord keeps speaking directly to me through your mom. "Ok, ok Lord, I get it." :) Maybe I will win another book! Ha! Ha! That would really freak me out! Please pray for me. I really need to grow in this area and I find it hard. I need the Lord's help desperately. I know without Him I would never change. Thanks for your friendship and for showing me by your example what it means to be an encourager. Love You


Anonymous said...

This is something that I REALLY need to work on. Thanks for posting this.