Sunday, April 27, 2008

Grace and Gratitude

Romans 11:35-" Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?"

The anwer is nobody!!!!

There are many times when our culture thinks otherwise. We're dissapointed with our family, neighbors, work, the waitress, the sales clerk. Ultimately we are disappointed with God. He hasn't given us everything we want! I find myslef being that person way too often!

In Randy Alcorn's book "The Grace and Truth Paradox" he states:

"If only we could see our situation clearly even for a moment. We deserved expulsion; He gave us a diploma. We deserved the electric chair; He gives us a parade. Anything less than overwhelming gratitude should be unthinkable. He owes us nothing! We owe Him everything!When you realize you deserve nothing better than hell, it puts a 'bad day' in perspective, dosen't it? If I grasp that I deserve hell, I'll be filled with gratitude not only for God's huge blessings- including my redemption and home in heaven-but also for His smaller blessings: sun, rain, a beating heart, eyes that see, legs that walk, a mind that thinks. If I don't have these, I'll be overwhelmed with the knowledge that I have plenty I don't deserve. And because Christ allowed Himself to be crushed under the weight of my sin, I'll enjoy forever a clear mind and perfect body."

As I read what was stated above I was very convicted! What a great reminder of the grace that God has so richly poured out on such a wretched sinner as I. How great it is to walk out into the world and answer the question "how are you doing?" and be able to answer with great gratitude that I am doing better then I derserve!!! What a great God we serve!



Anonymous said...

I love this perspective. It is just like "Living in light of eternity" but instead of dwelling on what we will receive, we dwell on what we should be receiving right now. Compared to Hell, every part of our lives become what they are, gifts. Thanks for the great post and reminder Candace. Remember, even Brusters is better than Hell.

Anonymous said...

"How great it is to walk out into the world and answer the question "how are you doing?" and be able to answer with great gratitude that I am doing better then I derserve!!"

I agree.

I have found that contentment will not come if you live life thinking you "deserve" or have the rights to…such and such. And with this entertainment driven culture being as it is, it really aggravates this sin in our hearts.

Knowing that everything is a gift of grace and mercy flowing from God’s heart is so freeing. If you think you deserve something and then don’t receive it, then you have lost your contentment.

Only our prizing and treasuring our Lord in the gospel should hold the weight from where our contentment comes, for in His death for us He has infallible guaranteed to always fill our hearts with the wonder of His grace and ever present communion, if we but only tap into this fountain by faith.