Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Resources on Sexual Purity

I ran across an excellent page of resources on Covenant Life Church's website. The whole page is dedicated to resources--sermons, books, and websites--that are geared towards guarding against sexual temptation and aiming for purity. Click here to view the page. (Also, see Covenant Life's sermons page to listen to Joshua Harris' recent series on purity.)

Though I haven't taken the time to use any of these resources yet, I plan on doing so in the near future. Each resource should prove to be a valuable tool in the fight against lust.

I thought I'd make everyone aware of it in case you haven't seen it yet!

-Amber Harrington-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good stuff, just listened to those resent messages by Josh on "Purity" today at work, very helpful.(yes i do get to listen to my ipod all day while getting paid) Thank God for access to such tools and knowlegde. What a evidence that there is no temptation to great that there isn't greater grace available to overcome it. Whether the grace is from the preached word, Gods Word, or from the Holy Spirit is always sufficient.