Thursday, February 8, 2007

His Daily Faithfulness

Last week was one of those weeks. I wasn't depending on God for his daily strength. I wasn't relying on the "fountain of living waters." Oh how easy it is to slip into self-sufficiency! It seems to me like the busier I get, the more I rely on myself, when it should be the opposite.

That's why, in my despair, I was glad to be reminded by Lamentations 3:21-24 that though I choose not to depend on Him at times, He graciously continues to renew His grace each day. I can say, along with Jeremiah: "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."

Though my faith ceases many times, I'm so glad that "the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases!" I'm so glad that He provides us with mercy that will "never come to an end" and that is "new every morning." Though I fail to commune with the Lord for days, I can boldy come before the Throne of Grace, unafraid and without shame, because of His daily faithfulness to show me mercy.

If you are disappointed in your own efforts to depend on Him, take heart! Though we are unfaithful, he remains very faithful each and every morning with new mercy and another fresh opportunity to “hope in him."

-Amber Harrington-


Anonymous said...

ahhhh. so quick to discern the heart Mary. Without I doubt I can relate to this struggle. Even if I do approach "the Throne of Grace" after a lapse in my walk with God, I approach it as if it is the throne of wrath and condemnation. I am so quick to spin truth and wonderful bibilical doctrine into a twisted, self-sufficient, legalistic, glory-stealing, sinful, man-centered doctrine that is far from what God intends for it to be. Thank you Amber for your reminder and encouragement as to how we can properly approach God.

Jenn Romanski said...

I was so encouraged in reading this Amber. This weekend has been kind of a tough one for me, and in all my weariness and weakness right now, I'm relieved to be going to sleep and awaking to mercies anew in the being refreshed in the goodness and graciousness of God our Father.

Thanks for reminding me that when I'm tired, He never is. And when I'm down trodden, He never is. And when I'm faithless, He never is.