Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Christian Foundation: Part 1

I read this article in yesterday's USA Today Metro section. Although I wish the article delt with the matter in a more humbly orthodox fashion, Mrs./Mr./Miss D'Souza (the author) made some excellent points. Because it's so long, I will break it up and share it with you over the next few days.

"Popular efforts to tuck Christianity neatly aside as a footnote to this country's history and to deliver a secular society will fail. Why? Because the faith is inextrecably tied to our values , our institutions and even modern science.

We seem to be witnessing an aggressive attempt by leading atheists to portray religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as the bane of civilization. Finding the idea of God incompatible with science and reason, these atheists also fault Christianity with fostering a breed of fanaticism comparable to Islamic radicalism. The propsed solution: a completely secular society, liberated from Christian symbols and beliefs. What it misses, however, is the larger story of how Christianity has shaped the core institutions and values of the USA and the West. Christianity is responsible for even for secular institutions such as democracy and science. It has fostered in our civilization values such as respect for human dignity, human rights and human equality that even secular people cherish.

Consider Science. Although there have been many civilizations in history, modern science developed in only one: Western Civilization. And why? Because science i based on an assumption that is, at root, faith-based and theological. That is the assumption that the universe is rational and follows laws that are dicoverable through human reason."

I don't know Dinesh D'Souza, I don't even know if he/she is a he or she! But I do know that he/she made some very accurate and prophetic statements. We live in a culture that is slowly beginning to reject God and replace it with science, all in the name of seperation of church and state. We co-exsist with thousands who strongly believe that God does not exsist and that anyone elses public belief in God infringes on their personal rights of freedom. Without doubt, we live in an increasingly secular world that desires nothing more than to see the Christian God banned from our culture. As Christians, it will be our responsiblity to stand for truth and for the Glory of our God. In so saying, I think the questions we must ask oursleves are, "Am I prepared? Can I rightly contend for the Faith? Do I know and understand Scripture?"


1 comment:

Lana said...

I have to admit that when I hear or read about people wanting to ban Christian beliefs from certain things in this country I can become anxious and frustrated. It seems that they are blind to the fact that by banning certain things in order to not offend anyone, they're offending the very core of what our country was established upon. But those facts either elude them or they choose to ignore it. Either way, I know God is in control and His purposes will never fail. That is my comfort during these times. Thanks for sharing this and it will be good to read the rest.